May 31, 2015

June 1,2015 : Beautiful Moon !!!

June 1,2015 : Beautiful Moon !!!
June 1,2015 : Beautiful Moon !!!

 Have you ever wondered why the moon is so beautiful? Have a look in the sky; the moon is truly magnificent.

The moon has been the inspiration for poets, musicians and writers, It′s a signpost for map makers of the earth and cosmos. Why is it that the moon is so adored, what is it about the earth′s satellite that is so enchanting? Could it be that it reminds us of something inside ourselves? The bright moon reminds us of the pure, brilliant, light INSIDE that is shining, radiating and lights up the darkness of the night.

What: Moonfest is when Peace Rebels join together for inner peace time to create and share inner peace with the world.

When: 2 times a month (It was 4 times a month until 2013.)

Where: ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, you can follow the live guided session led by an experienced Buddhist monk here.

The live meditation session will be broadcast via internet at 12:00 PM UTC, but this might be impractical in some areas so we propose you host your Silent Party at the MOST CONVENIENT TIME in your city. We want to encourage you to share the Moonfest with many people. The guided meditation MP3s for you are on this page.

Sometimes life can feel like a hurricane. Everything around us is just chaos, turmoil, disorder and confusion. But inner peace means that, within all the movement and chaos, you can find stillness. Very much like the EYE of the storm, where there is a great calm, to have inner peace doesn't mean that you'll never have a problem to confront. It means that when you have those problems coming up, you go within and find a stillness, a refuge or a sanctuary inside yourself. What is truly wonderful about this stillness is that it cannot be destroyed or altered by any of life's circumstances or is your true refuge. It is a way of being, and a way of thinking. It is always there, and it has ALWAYS been there. It is who you are. IT IS AS SIMPLE as just being aware of it...

Send waves of peace to the whole earth from the place of stillness inside you, in each of us, the same stillness.

We honor that still place inside you,
The place of true peace
And sing together, in silence and stillness,
World Peace through Inner Peace

Cr.Peace Revolution

May 30, 2015

Facebook : More Secret & What Insecure People Post

 Facebook : More Secre
 Facebook : More Secre

 Wow, It's Right or Wrong !!!

There’s the old saying that you can’t believe everything you read, yet many experts in the psychology field are saying that Facebook postings can offer insight into someone’s personality. The most recent study comes from Brunel University in London, which found that numerous Facebookers are either dealing with low self-esteem or have traits of narcissism.

Scientists have some very specific ideas about what you’re really saying in your Facebook updates.

Researchers provided 555 Facebook members with an online survey that measured the “Big Five” personality traits, which included extroversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Self-esteem and narcissism were also analyzed. After gathering the data, the psychologists concluded that frequent updates about: 

  • One’s romantic partner most likely indicates a person who has low self-esteem
  • Personal and professional achievements most likely indicates a person who is a narcissist being that they’re seeking “attention and validation from the Facebook community”
  • Healthy eating habits and exercise regimes also indicates a person who’s a narcissist since their likely goal is to receive compliments on their appearance
According to study author Dr. Tara Marshall, sometimes the narcissists’ behavior works to their advantage. “Although our results suggest that narcissists’ bragging pays off because they receive more likes and comments to their status updates, it could be that their Facebook friends politely offer support while secretly disliking such egotistical displays,” she said in a formal statement. 

However, these findings from Brunel University are not the first that connect Facebook postings with personality traits. A study released from University of Florida found that one Facebook behavior was linked to levels of narcissism — the rating someone gave their own profile shot. While this was true for both men and women (the higher their self-rating of attractiveness, the higher the chances of narcissism), they added that the frequency of status postings in females can also predict narcissism. 

Then there’s previous research from The University of Kansas , which found that people who tend to be more agreeable post less often, people who are more open-minded are less likely to respond to other people’s updates yet will post more often about political issues and those who are conscientious tend to agree more often with other’s updates.
As for the people who rarely offer status updates yet log in for more hours than the typical Facebook user … according to a study conducted by University of Alabama Huntsville, these members fall into the shy category. 

When it comes to overall Facebook use, other research has shown that excessive time online can damage relationships, make you less happy and even be difficult for those suffering from self-esteem issues.

Jacqueline Hornor Plumez, PhD, a psychologist and author of The Bitch In Your Head, tells Yahoo Health she is not surprised the terms “narcissism” and “low self-esteem” have been linked together, as seen in numerous studies on Facebook, including the latest one from London. “The interesting thing is that people who have low self-esteem and people who narcissists are really two sides of the same coin,” she explains.

 “While it appears to be that narcissists think they’re superior, in fact, it’s a defense against their feelings of inferiority. And they are both based on the fact that both types of people are highly self-critical.” 

And while she stresses there’s nothing wrong with sharing the happenings in your life — “My husband surprised me with roses!” “I’m so proud of my daughter!” “Looking good in my new size 4 jeans!” — Plumez says making these types of announcements on social media usually boils down to someone’s need for attention. 

“There’s a huge difference in the way you feel when you sit down with a good friend over a cup of coffee and share what’s going on with your life versus sitting in your office or in your bedroom posting on Facebook and hoping to get Likes, comments and praise,” she states. “The motivation is the same, but it’s like eating junk food versus something nutritious.”
And same goes for the frequent postings that include selfies. “I think it’s a longing for connection,” says Plumez. 

“I know many people today are highly self-critical. And that self criticism is a nasty, circular process: You criticize yourself, which makes you feel lonely and unworthy of real relationships and love, and then you go and try to find the praise—but it doesn’t really feel that wonderful.” 

She adds that while Facebook and other forms of social media can be “mildly interesting” in terms of discovering what other people are up to, she doesn’t advise using it to obtain a self-esteem boost. “One of the famous psychologists named Alfred Adler said that mental health is a combination of self-esteem and altruism,” she says.

 “If you just try to get your self-esteem by somehow feeling superior, it isn’t going to feel good. You have to have that connection of caring about other people. And I think that Facebook, while it appears to be connecting everybody, can be isolating.” 

May 29, 2015

5 Steps of Sucessful People Handle Stress


5 Steps of Sucessful People Handle Stress
5 Steps of Sucessful People Handle Stress

Here’s How It Works

Anxiety is an absolutely necessary emotion. If you don’t think you experience it, you simply don’t understand it.

Our brains are hard-wired such that it’s difficult to take action until we feel some level of anxiety. In fact, performance peaks under the heightened activation that comes with moderate levels of anxiety.
The trick is to manage your anxiety and keep it within optimal levels in order to achieve top performance. If you don’t have the tools in place to keep your anxiety in check when it comes on strong, you’ll never realize your full potential.

You can get better at managing the anxiety you inevitably feel when facing difficult and uncertain situations. You just need to follow the steps that successful and empowered people take to keep their anxiety from taking over.

The key thing to understand before getting started is that you are indeed facing uncertainty—the outcome of your future has not been decided. It’s up to you to develop the beliefs and mental toughness that will make you one of the Empowered.

How Successful People Handle Stress ?

University of Florida psychologist Tim Judge and his colleagues have shown overwhelmingly that people who feel that they control the events in their lives (more than the events control them) and are confident in their abilities end up doing better on nearly every important measure of work performance. Go and try 5 steps,

Step 1: Expect and Prepare for Change 

People change and businesses go through ebbs and flows. It’s a fact that even the Empowered in Judge’s study can’t control. They’ve found themselves out of work. Their companies have fallen on tough times. The difference is that they believe they are fully capable of dealing with changes and making something positive happen.

In other words, they are mentally prepared for change—and you can be too.
If you don’t anticipate change naturally, you need to set aside some time regularly—either every week or every other week—to create a list of important changes that you think could possibly happen.

The purpose of this task is not to predict every change you’ll face. Rather, it will open your mind to change and sharpen your ability to spot and respond to impending changes. Even if the events on your lists never happen, the practice of anticipating and preparing for change will give you a greater sense of command over your future.

Step 2: Focus on Your Freedoms, Not Your Limitations

We’ve all had the old mantra life isn’t fair beaten into our brains since we were young. This mantra is a voice of despair, anxiety, and passive inaction. While it’s true that we sometimes have limited ability to stop negative events from occurring, we are always free to choose our response.

On your list of possible changes from step one, jot down all of the positive ways in which you can take action and respond to each change. You’ll surprise yourself with how much control you can wield in response to seemingly uncontrollable circumstances.

Step 3: Re-write Your Script

Step three is going to be the hardest because it requires you to change the mode of thinking that you’ve grown accustomed to. Over time, we all develop mental scripts that run through our heads and influence how we feel about our circumstances and what we do in response to them. These scripts go so far as to tell us what to say and how to act in different situations.

In order to be empowered, you’ll need to rewrite your script.
To do this, recall a tough time you went through recently. What was it you believed about your circumstances that prevented you from making the most of your situation or responding more effectively?

Write this script down, and label it your hard-luck script.
Since hindsight is 20/20, go ahead and write a more effective and empowered mental script that you wish you had followed next to it. This is the empowered script you will use to replace your hard-luck script.

File these away so that you can pull them out and study them whenever you are facing stress or strong anxiety. When you do pull your scripts out, compare your present thinking to your hard-luck and empowered scripts.

This will keep you honest and enable you to adjust your thinking so that you’re operating from an empowered script.

These periodic reminders will eventually rewrite your scripts completely, enabling you to operate from an empowered script at all times.

Step 4: Stop Negative Self-Talk

A big step in managing anxiety involves stopping negative self-talk in its tracks. The more you ruminate on negative thoughts, the more power you give them.

Most of our negative thoughts are just that—thoughts, not facts.
When you find yourself believing the negative and pessimistic things your inner voice says, it’s time to stop and write them down.

Literally stop what you’re doing, and write down what you’re thinking. Once you’ve taken a moment to slow down the negative momentum of your thoughts, you will be more rational and clear-headed in evaluating their veracity.

You can bet that your statements aren’t true any time you use words like “never,” “worst,” or “ever.” If your statements still look like facts once they’re on paper, take them to a friend or colleague you trust and see if he or she agrees with you. Then the truth will surely come out.

When it feels like something always or never happens, this is just your brain’s natural threat tendency inflating the perceived frequency or severity of an event. Identifying and labeling your thoughts as thoughts by separating them from the facts will help you escape the cycle of negativity and anxiety and move toward a positive new outlook.

Step 5: Appreciate What You Have

Taking time to contemplate what you’re grateful for isn’t merely the “right” thing to do; it also lessens anxiety because it reduces the stress hormone cortisol by 23%.

Research conducted at the University of California, Davis, found that people who worked daily to cultivate an attitude of gratitude experienced improved mood, energy and substantially less anxiety due to lower cortisol levels.

Bringing It All Together

Overwhelming anxiety and empowerment are mutually exclusive. Any time you are overcome with enough anxiety to limit your performance, just follow the five steps above to empower yourself and regain control.


"Power Text "stop prank from crashing iPhones

"Power Text "stop prank from crashing iPhones
"Power Text "stop prank from crashing iPhones

Have you heard about the glitch with Apple's latest iOS software that will automatically shut down your iPhone?

If not, and you're an iPhone user, you should know there's an "effective power text," which is a particular string of characters being sent via power text that shuts down an iPhone from a remote location.

The message also disrupts the functionality of the Apple Watch if it's connected to the iPhone where the power text is sent, reports .

The specific power text message was revealed by Reddit user cbhunt14 on Tuesday.

While the power text in question doesn't damage the iPhone or Apple Watch, pranksters are using it to crash people's iPhones when they aren't in use, according to Mashable.

While Apple says it's working on a solution to the problem, there's a simple quick fix: use the phone settings to turn off the message "previews" feature, reports

Mikko Hypponen
If your iPhone is getting bombarded with the new Unicode crash message, do this: Settings⇒Notifications⇒Messages⇒Show Previews⇒OFF

Cr.Silive, ข้อมูลอัพเดท

Android M in 2015

 Android M  in 2015
 Android M  in 2015

After the comprehensive redesign and under the hood changes in Lollipop, Android M brings a greater focus on bringing greater polish to Android and improving the user experience.

Today Google formally announced the next version of their Android operating system at their Google I/O developer conference. Much like how Android Lollipop was originally previewed under the name Android L, the next major release of Android is being referred to as Android M.

During the keynote Google outlined six major areas that they had targeted for improvement in Android M.

The first area of improvement is permissions. The permissions system on Android has been less than optimal since its earliest days. The big issue has always been that applications have to ask for permissions access at the time of install. This means that if a user wanted to install an application like Skype, but didn't want to give it access to their microphone, then they would not be allowed to install the application at all.

 Android M  in 2015
 Android M  in 2015

Android M changes the existing permissions system this by breaking down user permissions into specific categories, and having apps ask the user for permission at the time access to a feature is required. You can see an example of this above, where an application like Whatsapp will ask for microphone access when the user tries to do something that requires it. This means that the user can grant applications some permissions but not others, and they can manage permissions access after the fact. It also makes it more clear to the user what an application is asking to do.

The new permissions system in Android M is only available for applications that target Android M with the new version of the Android SDK. Unfortunately, this means that it won't be automatically available to existing applications when users update to Android M.

The next area of improvement in Android M is to the behavior of web views within other applications. This is through a feature called Chrome Custom Tabs. Essentially this feature allows applications to have the Chrome browser run atop their app whenever the user clicks on a link. This means that all of a user's autofill data, passwords, and cache are available when they open links within that application.

 Android M  in 2015
 Android M  in 2015

The third major improvement Google is making in Android M is to how Android Intents handles web links. Because many web services now have native applications, selecting a link in an application will often bring up a menu asking the user whether they would like to open that link using a web browser, or whether they would like to have an app on the phone handle it.

With Android M, app developers can now have the operating system verify that certain types of links are meant to be opened with their app by checking with the web server that those links point to and verifying that it is meant to be opened with that app.

 Android M  in 2015
 Android M  in 2015

Google's next two areas of focus relate strongly to Android Pay, the mobile payments system they announced at MWC earlier this year.

Android Pay is not strictly an addition to Android M, as it will be available on devices that run KitKat or newer. However, Android M will allow a greater degree of security when using Android Pay through a new API to standardize fingerprint sensors on Android devices.

This means that users will be able to authorize Android Pay transactions both at stores and in apps using their fingerprint. It also means that app developers will be able to use a user's fingerprint for verification, which is currently not feasible with the various different standards and implementations for fingerprint scanners on Android devices like Android TV Box

 Android M  in 2015
 Android M  in 2015

The last area of focus in Android M is arguably the most important. It's a focus on power usage, and more specifically, the power that a device uses when it's idle. With an OS like Android which supports multitasking, there's always a delicate balance between managing power and keeping applications running in the background updated.

With Android M, Google is introducing a new feature called Doze. Doze uses motion detection to see whether or not a device has been left idle for a long period of time, such as when it's sitting on a table or in a dock. If it has been left idle for a long period, the operating system will greatly scale back background activity in order to reduce idle power usage. According to Google, they've seen up to 2x longer idle battery life on the Nexus 9.

In addition to improvements in power usage, Google is implementing new charging options for future devices that use USB Type C. Type C allows devices to negotiate whether they should be the device being used to charge from, or the device being charged, and this will be supported in Android M. This means that a user can use their tablet's battery to charge their smartphone from.

Android M looks like a more minor release than Android Lollipop was. However, what Google has detailed here is only scratching the surface of the many small improvements and bug fixes that it will bring to Android. Other improvements include changes to how text selection works, and further changes to the not very popular changes to the volume controls that were made in Android Lollipop.

Much like when Android Lollipop was announced at Google I/O last year, this year's release is accompanied by a preview for developers so they can test their apps and give Google feedback on the changes that they are making to Android. The Android M developer preview will be available today for the Nexus 5, the Nexus 6, and the Nexus 9.

Cr. Anandtech,กล่องแอนดรอย, ข้อมูลอัพเดท

May 27, 2015

Melissa McCarthy : Her Style

Melissa McCarthy :  Her Style
Melissa McCarthy :  Her Style

At Wednesday’s Spy premiere in London, the actress (who is gearing up to debut her own clothing line in August!) stepped out in one of her most eye-catching looks so far: a chiffon snakeskin-print maxi dress.

Melissa McCarthy Wears Snake Print Dress to Spy Premiere, Proves She's Having a Style Moment

Melissa McCarthy has pulled an impressive style hat trick, wearing her third bold print in row!

McCarthy, 44, teamed the floor-skimming design (which featured a keyhole neckline and tie at the waist) with a neutral clutch and bold red lip for a pop of color.

For the film’s Berlin premiere on Tuesday, she was also prints-happy in a abstract swirl pattern tunic, teamed with cropped gold pants and stacked heels. And last week, she wore a feminine white-and-purple floral design for her star ceremony at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (Like we said, hat trick!)

So what will the actress’s soon-to-launch clothing line include? A mix of 80 different pieces from sizes 4 to 28.

“I want to do my own fashion line both to help women who are plus-size, and because I’ve always loved fashion, I love textiles, I truly love fabric,” she told PEOPLE last year. “Like, I have a compulsive problem with fabric. I can’t walk past it. I will buy stacks and stacks of fabric. I love it.”

She added that after welcoming her second daughter, Georgette, in 2010, she started to re-evaluate her clothing and had a hard time finding quality fabrics, something her line will offer.

“I was a different size than I’d ever been, and I realized just because I’m a different size doesn’t mean I flipped some switch and turned off a desire for anything current or modern, or a desire to look good and feel good,” she explained. “The majority of what’s out there for plus-sizes is really bad fabric, really bad design, and if you’re plus-size, you actually need a little help so you need better fabric with a weight that hangs better, that’s more flattering and forgiving.”

And she hopes her like will introduce what’s missing from the plus-size market. “I know I’m an idiot to take this on, on top of everything else, but I love it,” she concluded. “I can’t help it. I’m so excited by this. I would hope that women will love it. I think I know what’s missing out there — I can’t buy it because it’s not out there.”


Earthquake movie : 'San Andreas'

Earthquake movie : 'San Andreas'
Earthquake movie : 'San Andreas'

"Don't consider this your seismology course," said U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Lucy Jones, who previewed the movie this week in California.

San Andreas, the new disaster movie opening Friday, features gigantic earthquakes ripping California apart. But don't count on a lesson in accurate science.

Filled with typical Hollywood over-the-top exaggeration, it was "a lousy documentary but a good movie," Jones said. "It was better than I thought it would be."

What did it get wrong? Plenty, she said.

The movie features magnitude-9.6 and -9.1 earthquakes in California, which can't happen along the San Andreas fault, Jones said. A magnitude-8.3 quake is the upper limit that can occur along that fault, she added. Worldwide, the strongest quake ever measured was the magnitude-9.5 quake that hit Chile in 1960.

In addition, the movie features a giant quake-caused tsunami, which isn't possible on the San Andreas fault line because it is on land. An oceanic quake is needed to cause a tsunami.

The movie tsunami, which crashed over the Golden Gate Bridge, also was way too big. "You can't get a tsunami bigger than the ocean is deep," Jones said.

Other quibbles: Earthquakes can't be predicted and buildings don't explode in quakes (they collapse).

Still, Jones said there were a couple of things moviemakers got right: One earthquake can trigger another nearby, and the aftershocks in the movie were realistic.

The movie also detailed the correct actions people should take when a quake happens: "Drop, cover and hold on."

Movies are ultimately about emotions, and Jones said the filmmakers really captured that, especially the feelings of separated family members. "Not knowing if your family is OK is hard," she said. Jones said she hopes the film will spur families to develop a communication plan in case of a disaster.

San Andreas, which stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, opens Friday nationwide.

Cr.USA Today

Iron Man : Galaxy S6 Edge

Iron Man : Galaxy S6 Edge
Iron Man : Galaxy S6 Edge
The sleek Galaxy S6 Edge Iron Man Limited Edition has been created in collaboration with Marvel to celebrate the release of the film Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Avengers fans, assemble! Limited edition Iron Man Galaxy S6 Edge smartphone unveiled by Samsung

    Korean firm is to release the limited edition smartphone tomorrow
    The device is coloured red and gold in the style of Iron Man
    It also comes with an 'Arc Reactor' wireless charger
    But the phone is only going to be available in Korea, China and Hong Kong

Some fans are sure to be left wanting as the phone will only be available in Korea from 27 May 2015, and China and Hong Kong in June - with no release date for the US or Europe announced yet

Samsung is preparing to release one of its flagship phones with a super hero makeover.

And it appears the firm is also planning to release other Avengers-themed phones with The Hulk, Captain America and more all in the works.

The vibrant red and gold phone features 64GB of storage and has the iconic curved design of the Korean company's S6 Edge.

A matching wireless charger based on Tony Stark's Arc Reactor - which powers his fictional suit in the Avengers films - will also be included.

But some fans are to be left wanting as the phone will only be available in Korea from 27 May and China and Hong Kong in June - with no release date for the US or Europe announced yet.

The company has also not yet revealed how much the device will cost, and only 1,000 units will be created at first, so buyers will have to be quick if they want to pick one up.

The phone sports a gold edge with a red finish over the rest, while the back is adorned with a logo of Iron Man.

Aside from the aesthetics, though, the phone itself is largely identical to the S6 Edge currently on the market.

One of the few minor differences in terms of software is an Iron Man 'look' given to some apps, such as the number pad, which has a blue glow under some of the numbers.

Some of the touchscreen buttons on the phone, including the call button and camera app, also have a red and gold appearance.

And the background of the phone is set to a picture of Iron Man by default - although, of course, this can be changed if required.

'We are excited to be able to offer our world-class Galaxy S6 edge smartphone designed especially for Iron Man fans through our continued collaboration with Marvel,' said Younghee Lee, Executive vice president of global marketing, IT and Mobile Division at Samsung Electronics.

'The limited edition Iron Man Galaxy S6 edge embodies the power of the iconic Avenger with a dual-curved edge design and advanced features that will provide Marvel fans with the ultimate entertainment experience.'

Alternatively, if a buyer would rather have a different Avenger-themed phone than Iron Man, though, fear not.

Back in March it was reported by GSMArena that a variety of other limited edition phones would be released including those inspired by Thor, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Hawkeye, Captain America and The Hulk.

But Samsung has not yet confirmed when - or if - these other phones will be released.

Cr. Dailymail

Kyrie Irving proves : Eastern Conference finals

Kyrie Irving proves : Eastern Conference finals
Kyrie Irving proves : Eastern Conference finals

 After so much frustration -- lottery trips, roster turnover, losing streaks, coaching changes and injuries -- Irving wanted to be a part of the Eastern Conference coronation.

The news was revealed about 30 minutes before Game 4 of the Eastern Conference finals: Kyrie Irving had been medically cleared to play for the first time since the series opener.

It didn't take long for him to put his mark on the contest.

As he continues to battle left knee tendinitis, the dazzling youngster scored the Cavaliers' first basket, an open eight-foot jumper off a LeBron James pass. Two possessions later, Irving buried his next shot, a three-pointer, which gave him five points in a little more than two minutes.

In the 118-88 blowout win against the Atlanta Hawks, which turned into an early celebration, the three-time All-Star finished with 16 points on 6-of-11 shooting, including 2-of-3 from three-point range.

Irving also added five assists, four rebounds, one steal and a block in 22 quality minutes, showing he is ready for the NBA Finals.

There were no signs of rust and there wasn't a visible limp as he got into the paint and completed a few of his trademark layups, bringing the crowd to its feet once he was able to pop up quickly and go back to the other end on defense.

Three of Irving's six made baskets came in the lane, showing the explosiveness and lift that had seemingly been lost in the Eastern Conference semifinals against Chicago.

Irving was one of six players to score in double figures as the Cavs sliced up the overmatched Atlanta defense. LeBron James (23), J.R. Smith (18), Tristan Thompson (16), Timofey Mozgov (14) and Matthew Dellavedova (10) were the others.

While Irving's stat line is hardly eye popping, he earned Tuesday night's moment after a brilliant regular season highlighted by being named to the All-NBA Team for the first time in his career.

Him playing 22 minutes was an important hurdle to clear, getting to answer questions that have existed since he was forced to visit Dr. James Andrews prior to Game 2 in Atlanta. Now he knows what he can do, able to test his ailment and play through the pain. He, and the team, know he will be ready for either Golden State or Houston, four wins from a NBA title.


May 23, 2015

Wi-Fi of Things : Internet of Things

Wi-Fi of  Thing  :  Internet of Things
Wi-Fi of  Thing  :  Internet of Things

With projections of more than 5 billion connected devices by the end of this year and growth to 50 billion by 2020, the challenges facing the Internet of Things (IoT) include a lack of standardization, security, integration, battery life, and rapid evolution. Wi-Fi, in its 16th year, is getting ready for IoT and will perhaps make the most suitable network for the technology. 

Why Wi-Fi will be the technology of choice for the Internet of Things
Of the hundreds of TED talks available online, many are geared toward helping people view life in a new. Enjoy all night and day with internet TV like Android TV Box

IoT may be a recent buzzword, but the quest for connected things is old. Very old. Caller ID, connected Coca-Cola vending machines, M2M, smart meters, RFID, AutoID, etc. The whole appeal of connected things has been efficiency and experience. And the desire for experience and efficiency is even greater today.

We live in an experience era and have no patience. We expect 'great experience' and 'efficiency' around us. Only IoT can enable that. IoT is nothing but an intelligent and invisible network of things that communicate directly or indirectly with each other or the internet to enable experience and efficiency. Internet can connect to the World via Android TV Box

Here are some of the challenges facing the IoT, and how Wi-Fi can help address them.
IoT needs a standardized technology for connecting devices to each other or the cloud

The things (as in Internet of things) typically employ some kind of embedded technology that allows them to sense conditions such as pressure, humidity, temperature, motion, number of people in an area, etc. And then a technology allows them to connect to other things or the cloud so that they can send the information as well as be programmed.

There are many standards and proprietary solutions used for connecting things to each other or to the cloud: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Active RFID, loWPAN, EtherCAT, NFC, RFID to name a few. The choice of technology is usually dictated by the physical characteristics of the environment, such as the presence of wood, concrete, metal etc., the density of sensors, desired range, and data rates.

Among these technologies, Wi-Fi has been the most successful. It has become a ubiquitous standard of connectivity and is used in the home, enterprise, schools, hospitals, airports etc.

However, as the number of devices connected to a Wi-Fi Access Point or the distance of device to Access Point is limited, many Active RFID technologies that operate in sub 1-GHz bands are used for things too. Active RFID technologies allow a large number of devices as well as larger ranges.

To overcome these challenges, a new IEEE Wi-Fi standard 802.11ah using the 900MHz band has been in works and will solve the need of connectivity for a large number of things over long distances. A typical 802.11ah access point could associate more than 8,000 devices within a range of 1 km, making it ideal for areas with a high concentration of things. The Wi-Fi Alliance is committed to getting this standard ratified soon. With this, Wi-Fi has the potential to become a ubiquitous standard for IoT.

And, not to mention, the growth of the IoT has just started. We are rapidly evolving, but there is a lot of unknown. Unknown applications, unknown devices, and unknown use cases. The best way to proceed is using one common worldwide standard for technology and application programming interfaces that can get these devices to talk to each other and to the cloud without networking infrastructure upgrades.

Standardization and implied interoperability is one of the main reasons Wi-Fi is very popular, and that's another big reason that it is suitable for the IoT.
Needs of security and protecting privacy in the borderless world created by IoT are real

IoT creates a borderless world where things talk to the cloud. Network or device administrators may not even realize the firmware or operating systems of these things or the cloud applications that these things talk to. In other words, protecting privacy and preventing malicious activity will be a challenge.

One may not even know what other information these things will send or how that information is used. Too many cloud apps, too many APIs, too many hackers out there. For security and policy enforcement, SDN is the most natural solution, and in the last couple of years, a good effort has happened in the industry around SDN (software-defined networking) enablement of Wi-Fi. With SDN, Wi-Fi enables unified policy management as IoT device traffic can be scanned and secured at the network entry point.
Without energy efficiency, maintenance overhead of things will be too substantial

As most of these things need to be portable or self-sustaining, stretching battery power or harvesting energy is almost a must. The battery change cannot be required every few days or weeks. And batteries  should be preferably using solar like Solar Lamp (โคมไฟพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์,โคมไฟโซล่าเซลล์ หรือ ตะเกียงไฟฟ้า) or Solar Light, wind, thermal, and other energy mechanisms.

Significant efforts in the industry have been going on for many years to make Wi-Fi low power, and many vendors now specialize in low-power Wi-Fi chipsets. Additionally, 802.11ah helps with lower-power consumptions and most recent innovations around backscatter Wi-Fi can enable a no-power or battery-assisted low-power Wi-Fi.

At this point, Wi-Fi appears to be the most suitable choice for the IoT as it has the potential to address all the challenges. I would love to hear your feedback about this.

Cr.Network World

George Clooney in "Tomorrowland"

George Clooney in "Tomorrowland"
George Clooney in "Tomorrowland"

 George Clooney's new futuristic fantasy drama Tomorrowland, directed by Brad Bird ("Ratatouille," ;"Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol") has all the promise of an inspiring story -- but it's gotten less-than-inspiring reviews ahead of its opening weekend.

Originally drawing enthusiasm from critics such as David Edelstein of New York magazine, who had claimed "'Tomorrowland' is the most enchanting reactionary cultural diatribe ever made," recent remarks are a little more restrained in their praise.

 "The forces of mediocrity have largely prevailed over 'Tomorrowland,' a kid-skewing adventure saga that, for all its initial narrative intrigue and visual splendor, winds up feeling like a hollow, hucksterish Trojan horse of a movie -- the shiny product of some smiling yet sinister dimension where save-the-world impulses and Disney mass-branding strategies collide," said Justin Chang of Variety.

The sci-fi adventure follows the travails of Casey, a renegade scientific genius played by Britt Robertson, who stumbles on a portal into another dimension in where she discovers "best and the brightest" have gathered to solve the world's problems with rockets, robots and flying cars in a society styled in something of the aesthetic of the capital city in "The Hunger Games."

Clooney plays Frank Walker, a reclusive scientist who had withdrawn from the world after his disheartening first encounter with Tomorrowland, but who reluctantly joins Casey as her cohort in their expeditions. Along the way Casey and Frank find Nix, played by Hugh Laurie, one of the questionable masterminds of Tomorrowland's architecture.

The film's concept of an advanced society hidden in a parallel dimension came from Walt Disney's vision of a futuristic society that went into the design of their 1955 Tomorrowland attraction at Disney World which eventually evolved into Epcot Center.

"We were always guided by Walt's original plan for Epcot: an actual 'experimental prototype community of tomorrow,' an ever-evolving laboratory to develop ideas that would improve the world," co-screenwriter Jeff Jensen told Entertainment Weekly.

Director Brad Bird told Rolling Stone the Disney-produced project was shaped by Steven Spielberg awe-striking fantasy adventures such as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" that poetically bridged science fiction with heart and wonder.

Critic's are not quite as dazzled by Bird's magic and its message about creativity and activism as a number of them have remarked that the movie is more "pedantic" than poetic.

The New York Times' A.O. Scott said "there are some logical -- and, I dare say, some ideological -- contradictions here, and a more serious problem of tone. The filmmakers want to dazzle you, but they also want to teach you a lesson."

"Tomorrowland looks less like a magical city of the future, or even the Disney environment it's meant to evoke, than like an unusually clean and efficient airport, or the shopping mall beyond the multiplex where you're seeing the movie," Scott said.

The problem, it seems to a number of reviewers, is that the movie ends up trying too hard to deliver a message about imagination, and less demonstration of it through its own artistry.

"Instead of dialing up the fun, the filmmakers piled on with the lecture," Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times reviewed.

"In the last few minutes of this movie I was reminded of my days as a student, when the semester was over and it was the last day of school, and the teacher was still lecturing us as the final bell rang. Enough. We get it. We need to do better. Now can we get back to the flying cars?"

Cr.CBS News

‘Poltergeist’ : They’re Baaack

 Eric and Amy Bowen in “Poltergeist.”
Eric and Amy Bowen in “Poltergeist.”

The new “Poltergeist” might well be the scariest movie 13-or-unders have yet seen, just as the original was for their parents back in 1982. Those parents might find it an enjoyable trip down memory lane, even if they do now recognize it as largely a well-served collection of horror-movie tropes.

Gil Kenan directs the new incarnation, which has lots of 21st-century updates and is available in a 3-D version that has some tasty flourishes. Being sucked into the netherworld looks even more convincing than it did back in the ’80s.

The story, of course, involves a family of five that moves into a house in a generic-looking development that was built where a cemetery once was and possibly still is.

The screenplay, by David Lindsay-Abaire (based on a story by Steven Spielberg), throws in a little modern-day economic gloom — the neighborhood has been hit by foreclosures, and the father in the family (Sam Rockwell) has recently been laid off.

How a couple with no income gets bank approval to buy a house is a mystery that’s not resolved, but strange things happen in this part of town.

Mr. Rockwell provides welcome bits of comic relief and pairs nicely with Rosemarie DeWitt as the mother. The three children are especially well cast: Saxon Sharbino as Kendra, the teenage daughter; Kennedi Clements as the eerie little Madison, a 6-year-old girl who talks to the ghosts through the television and closet door; and Kyle Catlett as Griffin, who does fine work as the world’s biggest ’fraidy cat in a role that the remake gives extra significance.

Yes, the kids have been given trendier names (they were Dana, Carol Anne and Robbie in 1982), because this is a decidedly 2015 “Poltergeist” in many ways. The pivotal television is a big ol’ flat screen, and iPhones, GPS devices and a drone camera come into play. Oh, and who comes to the family’s rescue? Carrigan Burke (Jared Harris), a guy with a ghost-hunter reality TV show.

He and an investigator (Jane Adams) from a university’s paranormal investigations department have a little side plot going on that gives the movie an amusing kicker, and all in all there’s not much to complain about here, except that — as with a lot of revisited classics — the story’s not as revolutionary as you remember it.

For veterans of the 1982 “Poltergeist,” it’s more like scary but pleasant nostalgia. At an advance screening Thursday night, touchstone sights — those closet doors; that demented clown puppet — drew sighs and scattered applause when they first appeared. Everyone remembers their first fright.

Poltergeist” is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned) for a smattering of strong language and because it will cause little kids to fear clowns, trees, electronic devices and closets.

Poltergeist : Opened on Friday

Directed by Gil Kenan; written by David Lindsay-Abaire; director of photography, Javier Aguirresarobe; edited by Jeff Betancourt and Bob Murawski; music by Marc Streitenfeld; production design by Kalina Ivanov; costumes by Delphine White; produced by Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Roy Lee; released by Fox 2000 and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Running time: 1 hour 33 minutes.

WITH: Sam Rockwell (Eric Bowen), Rosemarie DeWitt (Amy Bowen), Jared Harris (Carrigan Burke), Jane Adams (Dr. Powell), Saxon Sharbino (Kendra), Kyle Catlett (Griffin) and Kennedi Clements (Madison).

Cr.Newyork Times

‘Tomorrowland,’ ‘Pitch Perfect’ Compete As ‘Mad Max’

‘Tomorrowland,’ ‘Pitch Perfect’ Compete As ‘Mad Max’
Tomorrowland,’ ‘Pitch Perfect’ Compete As ‘Mad Max’
This Memorial Day holiday weekend is turning out to be a two-tier box office with the Top Five and the Bottom Five clearly separated by about $17M.

Leading the Top half is Disney’s futuristic Tomorrowland and Universal’s Pitch Perfect 2, which are very close right now after a Friday battle to win holiday weekend. The estimated range on the 3-day gross for the Brad Bird-directed Tomorrowland is $33.7M to $35.1M after taking in around $10M to $10.4M Friday.

The George Clooney starrer ended up with a B CinemaScore which traditionally averages a 2.9 multiple.

Not to be outdone, however, is PP2. The melody mash-up took in an estimated $9.7M to $10M+ today for an expected 3-day tally of $32.7M to $34M. The musical comedy will acca-pass $100M tomorrow and held very well with an estimated 49% drop after the studio added 87 theaters.

Speaking of small percentage drops, Warner Bros. had a solid second-weekend hold for its dystopian actioner Mad Max: Fury Road  from director George Miller.

Mad Max Fury Road.Even after garnering only a B+ CinemaScore last weekend, the Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron movie is expected to roll in with $26.2M to $28M for the 3-day which means a mere 39% drop (I can hear the studio’s distribution head Dan Fellman right now saying, ‘I told you so’ … hey, I admit I was wrong). It will end the 4-day close to $100M.


May 22, 2015

BHC presented 376 new graduates to the world

BHC presented 376 new graduates to the world
BHC presented 376 new graduates to the world

A few thousand parents and well-wishers were in attendance as the graduates were awarded associate’s degrees and certificates following addresses from Dr. Truitt, faculty member Todd Linscott and Jessie Golden, herself a graduate and president of the Student Leadership Council for 2014–15 school year.

Black Hawk College presented 376 new graduates to the world at a commencement ceremony at the iWireless Center Thursday, with Black Hawk Collegepresident Bettie Truitt telling them to “embrace the change and never stop dreaming.”

In the near term, Dr. Truitt told the graduates to “celebrate your accomplishment.”

Then she said, “there are only four things I would like each of you to do,” and she elaborated on each one.

The first three are to dream (“dreams help focus us, and provide direction”); make mistakes (“that’s how you learn”); and make a difference (large or small — as an example of the latter she cited BHC alum Chad Pregracke, founder of the environmental group Living Lands & Waters).

The fourth request for the graduates: “Create your story. … You are the author, the main character, the editor and producer. We are grateful that your story includes Black Hawk College."

In her remarks, Ms. Golden asked her peers to reflect on what Black Hawk College means, and said for her it was something she’d looked forward to since middle school.

“It would be my chance to get a good education in order to get a good job and have a good life,” she said. So she worked hard in her classes and initially didn’t involve herself in campus activities she said. That changed with an “impulsive” decision to join the Student Leadership Council.

“This year, being a part of something more than just coming to classes has really opened my eyes,” she said. “I met some really amazing people from all walks of life, planned a good handful of enjoyable events, helped with volunteer work and generally got out of my comfort zone.”

"I’ve had an invaluable experience during my time here, and I hope my fellow graduates have also had the same chance to make a difference for themselves and for those around them,” she said. “I am so honored to be a graduate of Black Hawk College.”

There were no shortage of proud parents in attendance.

“Absolutely I’m proud,” said parent Chris Lubben, whose daughter Sara received her associate’s degree in education. Sara Lubben is headed to Iowa State University, after taking full class loads and working part-time through her time at Black Hawk College.

“She has worked very hard,” Ms. Lubben said. “She has earned this day.”

Black Hawk College Quad-Cities Campus graduation list

The graduates are:

Albany -- Beth Calcote, Rhett Stover.

Aledo -- Andrea Attig, Bryan Goman, Cassandra Kitzman-Johnson, McCala Miller, Shelby Ryckaert, Stephanie Williams.

Alpha -- Heather Kidd.

Andalusia -- Logan Green, Connor Kolls, Rachel Lantau.

Andover -- Martha Aguilera, Nicole Bunton, Michala Mielke.

Annawan -- Jill Arnold, Donovan Kirkhove, Angela Solie.

Atkinson -- Ryan Branham, Devere Gould, Ryan Hamilton.

Barstow -- Hailey Boyle.

Bettendorf -- Jaclyn Frey, Brooke Posey, Lauren Powell, LaSha Rascon, Reiley Rice.

Blue Grass -- Katelyn Borcherding, Jessica Aney.

Buffalo -- Tanner Adams.

Cambridge -- Allen Dullin, John Huyvaert, Jennifer Kruger, Amanda Palmer, Meaghan Robinson, Erika Roden, Brittani Underwood, Ryan VanMelkebeke, Johanna Williams.

Carbon Cliff -- Nicholas Bogs, Marissa Cowart, Taelor McKay.

Cleveland -- Jessica Tucker.

Coal Valley -- Amber Asplund, Alana Bainter, Amanda Bender, Kaitlyn Browning, Tami Clifton, Elissa Daggett, Amanda Duran, Jessica Estes, Elista Fisher, Jennie Gardner, Ben Hamilton, Brandon Head, Sheila Mountain, Damon Nimrick, Lena Parrish, Taylor Peterson, Amber Schneider, Jake Schulenberg, Jesse Shattuck, Jennifer Swofford, Christian Wilcox.

Colona -- Nicole Beeson, Patrick Block, Tanae Boggs, Aaron Borodychuk, Torie Collis, Samantha Copeland, Stephanie Crippen, Daniel Hintzke, Stormy Leidig, Cassidy Preslar, Alyssa Rea, Kayla Reagin, Kamille Short, Darlene Thorndyke.

Cordova -- Amy Meier, Cheyenne Rodriguez, Elizabeth Rogers, Denise VanDeWoestyne.

Davenport -- John Banks, Darcey Boone, Catherine Briggs, Janet Bynum, Susan Cates, Sheri Clark, Noemi De Leon, Jennifer DiBlasio, Karen Foderberg, Melanie Hester, Luke Latham, Melissa McCollom, Tameka Miller, Nikki Munson, Jordan Noel, Linda Norberg, Mary Peters, Julie Petersen, Mariza Potter, Wanda Pruden, Paul Pruden Sr., Max Querin, Patrick Schieving II, Rubicelia Sindt, Amy Soliz, Jacob Wagner, Esther Zaldana.

Donahue -- Christopher Carter.

East Moline -- John Abend, Adjovi Afangnivo, Andrew Allmendinger, Valeria Aparicio, Arslan Arshad, Bernado Awoudi, Jacob Barnes, Tracy Bates, Karla Bernal, April Bowen, Lisa Boyer, Michelle Branch, Melissa Caldwell, Maria Carlin, Carrie Castillo, Charles Cervantes II, Elizabeth Chimal, Chatavia Clark, Sophia Clay, David Clevenger, Kaitlyn Colson, Aubreona Conner.

Kaelynn Davis, Liliana De La Garza, Maria Dominguez, Jennifer Evans, Alleigh Gates, Jason Gavin, John Goeden, Esmeralda Gonzalez, Marcus Hanerhoff, Kayla Harris, Bridget Hernandez, Alysha Hudson, Makenzie Huston, Mohamed Ismail.

Katie James, M. Christine James-Van Sant, Elizabeth Keith, Kossi Kluga, Rita Kosgard, Gnandi Kpante, Diane Kpomassy, Brandy Krebs, Brittnie Larson, Latoya Lee, Kasey Lockett, Moira MacLennan, Josue Marquina, Emily Martinez, Papy Mbambi, Brady McArtor-Tank, Julie McLaughlin, Jose Medina, Jerigael Miranda, Grwuaslly Monarrez-Perez, Cheri Moore, Samantha Moreno, Mushimata Mwansa.

Amy O'Neal, Blake Pancrazio, Ashley Pappas, Melody Patterson, Abbey Petty, Benjamin Quick, Richard Rea, Denita Reed, Amy Rigsby, Angela Ringier, Jeffrey Roberts, Rozanne Robinson, Amanda Rockhold, Karina Rojo, Kevin Roland.

Alexandra Sanchez, Jorge Sanchez, Yolanda Sanchez, Leslie Sierra, Marshelle Smith, Essi Soglo, Promise Solo, Aissatou Sow, Maguette Sow, Malal Sow, Hunter Springer, Tara Sweeney, Ayele Teko, Kristina Todorovic.

Kelsey Van Camp, Bryce Verlinden, Cristobal Villasenor, Kayla Viscioni, Vincent Viscioni, Jennifer Watson, Jason Willey, Alexis Wilson, Jocelin Wilson, Cheryl Yeager, Hessouwe Yeleneke.

Eldridge -- Amanda Crouse.

Erie -- Ian Bebon, Shannon Melton, Connor Nitz, Alec Thruman.

Fenton -- Tracy Bullock.

Fulton -- Codi Herring.

Galva -- Brenda Johnson, Dalton Jones.

Geneseo -- Kelsey Anderson, MacAllister Blakley, Jessica Boone, Benjamin Burk, Grant Burress, Brenna Callahan, Rochelle Canfield, Alyssa Catton, Demi DeBarre, August Denys, Logan Farber, Madison Flaherty, Brandon Gehn, Jennifer Gernant, Emily Gustafson.

Darcy Hankins, Seth Hankins, Taylor Heppner, Zachary Hutchinson, Nicholas Keener, Nicole Lassman, Meghanne LeBlanc, Devin Lindquist, Brittany Murphy, Jacelyn Neuleib, Carlie Newton, Shannon Nowland, Jenny Nyquist.

Joseph Payeur Jr., Rachael Rastetter, Riley Reeves, Brandon Rice, Bailey Ries, Connor Riley, Nichole Schaver-Femali, Bethany Snook, Austin Swanson, Noah Terpening, Amanda Tesmond, Kodie Tomaszkiewicz, Hanna Vanderheyden, Katelyn Welfer, Caiyun Wurslin.

Hampton -- Erika Beeks, Kirsten Brown, Brennan Burklund, Brett Clark, Megan Fanella, Brittany Picaso.

Hillsdale -- Alisha Brown, Brianna Schipper.

Illinois City -- Courtney Kitzman.

Joy -- Jonathan Barnhouse, Niphaphorn Loughead.

Keithsburg -- Amber Gibson, Daniel Simpson.

Kewanee -- Alissa Elgin, Tayler Jackson, Shannon Jannie, Leanne Loughe, Matthew Mols, Kayleen Prins, Paula Rocker, Paul Schaecher.

LeClaire -- Amanda Gordon, Melissa Reller, Janice Vrombaut, Derek Ward.

Long Grove -- Jennifer Evans.

Lyndon -- Jacy Woodworth.

Lynn Center -- Jade Cashen, Nicole Emerick, India Price.

Matherville -- Abby Newton.

Milan -- Ivy Anderson, Wayne Ashenhurst, Steven Bartelt, Ellen Border, Alishia Braden, Rick Breeden, Shaun Brown, Shelby Burroughs, David Cannon II, Jennifer Clary, Connor Cushman, Julie-Ann Elliott, Jennifer Higgins.

Danielle James, Cynthia Johnson, James Lams, Sara Lubben, Caleb Lucas, Rebecca Marquis, Morgan Marshall, Sarah Morgan, Deborah Pond, Jessica Spencer, Charissa Warren, Sarah Willhite, Raeann Zawada.

Moline -- Adenouga Adanlehoussi, Essoninam Agoma, Osama Ali, Katherine Allee, Erik Andon, Donga Assih, Bailey Atkinson-Niemeier, Amevi Avouglah, Akou Ayikey, Laurie Barton, David Beebe, Ryan Behrens, Madeline Blind, JoAnn Bodeen, Michael Boelens, Jordan Bovee, Jessica Brachtel, Katrina Bratton-Ellis, Dominique Brooks, Emily Brooks, Anna Brown, Brooke Bush, Austin Carlson, Crystal Carlson, Cecilia Carrillo, Alexa Carroll, Khadidiatou Cisse, Andrea Clark, Caleb Cockerill, Nayely Cortez, Rachel Cox, Amanda Crouse, Alexander Cunningham.

Amanda Dang, Chonya Davis, Lori DeDoncker, Nathanael Derrick, Jessica DeVolder, Samantha Diehl, Ines Djondo, Pepe Djondo, Megan Dodd, Yaogan Dossou-Solegadji, Sarah Duesterhaus, Ami Eklou, Yawa Eklou, Aurelio Enriquez, Tierney Fischer, Joshua Forbes, Jenna Forsberg, Amanda Frazee, Michael Funaro, Tammie Furr.

Andrea Garcia, Kayla Gasper, Tyler Gasper, Jessie Golden, Adara Griffin, Edivan Guerrero, Ciara Hancks, Caitlin Hanson, Elizabeth Hasson, Dallas Herbert, Jessica Howell, Lucy Hubbard.

Brooke Jordan, Jason Kester, Sara Kitchen, Eric Knapp, Amenvi Koffecto, Dossou Kowou, McKae Larson, Sunshine Lauer, Cheryl LeMaster, Adam Lerschen, Dakota Lieving, Mayra Lopez, Matthew Luckey, Monika Luder, Jessica Luther.

Mazen Marar, Steven Maule, Holly Melton, Leslie Misch, Fallon Moore, Jacob Moore, Ronald Moore Jr., Latosha Morrison, Jordan Myers, Favi Nache, Michael Neels, Natalie Nipper, Lindsey Olson, Maria Ortiz-Herrera, Jessica Overmire, Andrew Owens.

Sara Padilla, Asha Pangrazio, Hailey Petty, Hannah Petty, Stephanie Pilichowski, Sharvia Pritchard, Monserrat Ramos, Teanna Randolph, Daniel Rankin, Julia Rosales, Nicholas Rossa, Andrea Ryckeghem.

Sheridan Saskowski, Samantha Scott, Devin Seams, Brianna Simpson, Gretchen Sink, Angela Skipton, Steven Smith, Jacob Stewart, Jennifer Svetlick, Alyse Tomlinson, Anabel Torres, Odalys Trigueros.

Baylee Valdes, Michael Van Acker, Mitchell VanNatta, Manisha Vishwakarma, Lecy Waldbusser, Jennifer Watson, Brittany Wildermuth, Jessica Willoughby, Cynthia Zaragoza.

Morrison -- Mindy Remmers, Jordan Schaller.

Muscatine -- Ashley Smith.

New Boston -- Nikole Lair.

New Windsor -- Harsimran Kaur, Carlee Kness, Elizabeth Sedlock.

Orion -- Kaitlyn DeBaillie, Caleb DeHamer, Michael Doddroe, Heather Fredell, Morgan Gainey, Samantha Gordon, Madison Gritton, Katlin Jacquin, Adam Killion, Lindsey Sandau, Mackenzie Smith, Pamela Swanson, Tiffany Wilson.

Port Byron -- Kristen Breaux, Olivia Cewe, Jessica Crowe, Brondel Evans, Kaylynn Geigle, Paige Heller, Sierra Hemm, Heather Huisenga, Sue-Ella Mathis, Brittany McConnell, Amanda Robertson, Alexandria Streeter, Kiley Williams.

Prophetstown -- Kristina Medema, Ashley Wagle.

Rapids City -- Julius Chirchir, Elizabeth May.

Reynolds -- Peter Herman, Robin Phillips-McCulley, Jeannie Ruckey.

Rock Island -- Raynikka Adams, Isabell Aguilera, Tina Allen, Allyson Bailey, Catherine Booker, Brandie Carden, Traci Casey-Rocillo, Matthew Claude, Kizzie Conner, Christian Cottingham, Ariel Craig, Christin Cravens, Catelyn Cruz.

Aaron Deneckere, Morgan DeSmet, Reena DeSmet, Jasmine Diaz-Rodriquez, Allyson Dortch-Beserra, Kiana Dugger, Matt Erickson, Ryan Erickson, Joshua Fahrenkrog, Vailete Feliki, Heather Foster, Kelsey Frazelle.

Danielle Garcia, Victoria Gomez, Marian Grandberry, Beegweh Gwesinie, Melva Hearn, Bradley Heitz, Bibian Hickman, Kayla Hicks, Ben Hicock.

Brittney Jackson, Bukuru Jackson, Traneisha Jordan, Brittany Jungwirth, Jacie Just, Jason Just, Elizabeth Kasimu, Courtney Kernan, Ashley Kinnan, Jamie Lane, Cameron Leiby, KayLee Lindburg, Austin Long, Ian Lopez, Tamara Lukac.

Patricia Marquez, Christina Marquis, Claudia Martinez Hernandez, Kaylea Matter, Justin McClendon, Kasey McCracken, Tina McFalls, Ellen Miers, Jacob Miers, Carmen Mojica, Ellie Mooney, Sterling Moore, Roberto Nache, Ashley Neely, Oshiana Nephew, Arthur Ortiz.

Angel Parker, Patricia Parker, Rose Patton, Sydney Pauwels, Eh Paw, Khaalliyah Phanhlathy, Riley Pobanz, Evelyn Reynolds, Shaleka Rhoden, Angelica Richardson, Kailee Riley, Rachel Rock.

David Saelens, DeBrisha Scales, Ellenor Schluter, Haley Schluter, Lindsey Schroeder, Wendy Spencer, Rachel Stallings, Devin Steffen, Haleigh Stegall, Moshe Stewart, Kathryn Strause, Ruth Taylor, Sengiyumva Thiery, Kelly Tyler.

Veronika Wells-McGlothan, Alexandra Whitaker, Nashira Williams, Dan Yeager.

Seaton -- Joann Salmon.

Sheffield -- Emily Thurston.

Sherrard -- Michael Baker, Elias Becker, Skye Corken, Madison Goodley, Josephine Johnson, Samantha Jones, Tiffani Palmer, India Skinner, Anne Winston, Nicole Young.

Silvis -- Saida Adjanakrou, Brady Alley, Kara Bailey, Ferdinand Baraka, Kristal Caudillo, Abigail Ciasto, Stephanie Clark, Tonya Dawes-Gass, Meredith Eldridge, Mikale French, Kelly Gillespie, Dakota Gordon, Abbie Graham, Colton Graves.

Ginny Hayes Manske, Jorge Hernández, Allison Herron, Marisa Hull, Zachary Jeckell, Natalie Lund, Elizabeth Marquez, Michele Moreno, Juan Rivera-Olguin, Kieryn Rockwell, Nicole Smith, Kaitlyn Tidwell, Paul Tomkins, Michael Walter, Kyle Woolfolk, Angelica Zabala, Heidi Zvonik.

Taylor Ridge -- Chase DeKeyrel, Andrew Eagle, Madelin Elliott, Chelsey Grabeel, Gabrielle Lee, Yvonne Leemans, Jacob Miller, Ryan Renteria, Kristin Schmidt.

Viola -- Brittney Baum, Carrie Bushman, Hannah Lingafelter.

Walcott -- David DeVine, Alexander Riessen, Jennifer Rochholz.

Cr.QC Online

Suspect in wealthy family deaths : Savvas Savopoulos

Suspect in wealthy family deaths : Savvas Savopoulos
Suspect in wealthy family deaths : Savvas Savopoulos

WASHINGTON - Members of a fugitive task force arrested Daron Dylon Wint, 34, on Thursday around 11 p.m., about a week after authorities said the family was killed and their mansion set on fire. Wint has been charged with first-degree murder while armed, D.C. police and the U.S. Marshals Service said.

Authorities have arrested an ex-convict who was accused in the killings of a wealthy Washington family and their housekeeper.

Investigators tracked Wint to New York City, where they barely missed him Wednesday night, Robert Fernandez, commander of the U.S. Marshal Service's Capital Area Regional Fugitive Task Force, told multiple news outlets.

Daron Dylon Wint was tracked to the Howard Johnson Express Inn in College Park, Maryland, on Thursday, and when officers approached, they discovered Wint in a Chevrolet Cruze in the parking lot, Fernandez said. They tailed the car, which was following a box truck, to northeast Washington, where Wint and several others were taken into custody during a traffic stop, he said.

Police have not detailed why Daron Dylon Wint would want to kill 46-year-old Savvas Savopoulos; his 47-year-old wife, Amy; their son, Philip; and housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa. Three of the four victims had been stabbed or bludgeoned before the fire.

Police said Thursday that Wint, a certified welder, worked for Savopoulos' company, American Iron Works, in the past. Savvas Savopoulos was the CEO of American Iron Works, a construction-materials supplier based in Hyattsville, Maryland, that has been involved in major projects in downtown Washington.

Police said Thursday that they haven't ruled out the possibility that other people were involved in the slayings, but no other suspects have been identified.

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Daron Dylon Wint was born and raised in Guyana and moved to the United States in 2000, when he was almost 20 years old, according to court records filed in Maryland. He joined the Marine Corps that same year and was discharged for medical reasons, the records show. Wint was at Parris Island for boot camp from July 24, 2001 to Sept 28, 2001, but never graduated from recruit training, Marine Corps spokesman Capt. Eric Flanagan said. Following his discharge, he worked as a certified welder, court records show.

The Savopouloses lived in a $4.5 million home in Woodley Park, a neighborhood where mansions are protected by fences and elaborate security systems and local and federal law enforcement officers are a constant presence, in part because Vice President Joe Biden's official residence is nearby.

Text messages and voicemails from the Savopouloses to their confused and frightened household staff suggest something was amiss in the house many hours before the bodies were found. Their blue Porsche turned up in suburban Maryland hours after the slayings. It too had been set on fire.

DNA analysis at a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms lab linked Wint to the crime, a law enforcement official involved in the investigation told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity for lack of authorization to discuss the investigation publicly.

During the family's final hours, someone called Domino's from their house and ordered pizza. The Washington Post reported that the DNA was found on a pizza crust. At a Domino's about 2 miles away, a worker told the AP that a pizza was delivered from there to the mansion that day.

Daron Dylon Wint was convicted of assaulting one girlfriend in Maryland in 2009, and he pleaded guilty the next year to malicious destruction of property after he allegedly threatened to kill a woman and her infant daughter, breaking into her apartment, stealing a television and vandalizing her car.

"I'm going to come over there and kill you, your daughter and friends," Wint told that woman, according to the records. "The defendant advised he was good with a knife and could kill them easily and was not afraid of the police," a detective wrote.

Also in 2010, Wint was arrested carrying a 2-foot-long machete and a BB pistol outside the American Iron Works headquarters, but weapons charges were dropped after he pleaded guilty to possessing an open container of alcohol.

Attorney Robin Ficker said Daron Dylon Wint didn't seem violent when he defended him in earlier cases.

"My impression of him a I remember him rather well a is that he wouldn't hurt a fly. He's a very nice person," Ficker said.

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A housekeeper who worked for the  Savvas Savopoulos family for 20 years, Nelitza Gutierrez, told the AP that she believes the family and Figueroa were held captive for nearly a day before they were killed, citing an unusual voice mail she got from  Savvas Savopoulos and a text message sent from the phone of his wife, telling her not to come to the house.

Gutierrez said she and  Savvas Savopoulos spent May 13 cleaning up a martial arts studio he was opening in northern Virginia before his wife called around 5:30 p.m. She could hear his half of the conversation. He later said his wife told him to come home to watch their son because she was going out, Gutierrez said.

Later that night, sounding flustered, he left Gutierrez a voice mail saying Figueroa would stay with his sick wife overnight, that she shouldn't come the next day, and that Figueroa's phone was dead.

"It doesn't make any sense. How come you don't have another phone a iPhones are all over," Gutierrez said. "He was kind of building stories."

The next morning, Gutierrez received a text message from Amy Savopoulos that read, in part, "I am making sure you are not coming today." She called and texted back and got no response.

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The Savopouloses had two teenage daughters who were away at boarding school at the time of the killings. Relatives of the victims have made few public statements and have not returned calls from the AP. Representatives of American Iron Works have repeatedly declined to comment.

Cr. NewsDay